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Frequently Asked Questions and Key Facts




Number of employees in Canada and the US  186

Number of offices in North America                   26


Number of years in the Customs Brokerage

Canada:  16  years

USA:        26  years


All other types of businesses, other than brokerage:


  • Warehousing & Distribution

  • E-commerce

  • International Air Freight

  • International Sea Freight

  • Direct and Intermodal Road Transport

  • Truck transportation

  • United Nations Vendor




Corporate Structure
























   Number of Customs entries per year:

   Canada:      43,800

   USA:         108,000


 Services offered as a support for carriers crossing the border, to ensure a timely release process:


  1. Local Canada / USA Border Office

  2. After hours person on 24/ 7

  3. Specialist after hours for Aircraft Parts (AOG)
     and Pharma on a 24/7 basis.



CCB’s HS Classification Database:


The database of each client is stored in the client file.

Each product is properly described with its respective HS code.

This is stored on the server and once the product is entered, the HS code and duty rates will pop up.
All similar names will show up on priority sequence and the Customs Rater will choose the proper one.

When a new product is imported, it is qualified, gets its respective HS Code, and is entered in the database.

The System is expandable as to assimilate external databases, if required.

Client experience and references:


CCB works for Air France / KLM/ Lufthansa. We handle aircraft parts for many other importers under AOG
basis;  but we do much more complex Customs entries for companies like Gelda Scientific and New Directions.

How we measure Key Performance Indicators (KPI)?

For Customs, the following KPIs are measured:

  1. Length of time it takes to clear the shipment

  2. Length of time for delivery

  3. Errors – if any – and the speed for correcting them
     3 a) Classification

  4. Billing efficiency


How we ensure that regulatory and trade updates are provided to customers?


We receive daily updates from 3 bodies as it relates to Customs

  1. CIFFA

  2. CBSA

  3. Importers Association


These updates are carefully analyzed by compliance. Each of our clients whose business is related to the
affected  regulation are  e-mailed  with the new regulations.  
This is followed  up  by a call from the  sales
department.   An appointment is set, and a meeting held with the client, to bring them up to  date with the


What distinguishes CCB’s compliance program from our competitors?


  • We use a Criss-cross matrix on products name, country of manufacturer, end use and other uses in
    industries other than our clients.  This analysis  is  done  before a new client is set up in our system.

  • Compliance  gets  daily  Customs update from  CIFFA,  CBSA  and  Importers  Associations.  This  is
    carefully studied and a follow-up process is in place at CCB.

  • Tribunal decisions which are made separately are closely studied as we do a similar process
    with our clients.

  • We do audit for 8 to 10 different categories on a spot check basis.  

  • We also do physical cargo inspections as well as document inspection.

Management Plan and Hours of Operation


              Hours of Operation:  Mon to Fri: 8:30 – 5:00 p.m. Routine 24/7 call out for all other times.

             CCB will provide 2 CCS qualified persons to handle all client shipments and a delivery truck as needed.
             This  will be backed by three different levels of management, also on 24/7 basis.

Anita Malik: Office:  905 673 5000 CCS  Mobile 416 993 7992

Daily Ops contact Office: 905 673 5000: Raymond Sharma CCS  Mobile 647 716 3654

Aircraft Spare manager (AOG) Darren Singh  Mobile 416 989 8224

General Manager Benny Pereira  Mobile 416 993 5657

President & CEO Ken Singh  Mobile 416 414 2660


CCB’s CAPA (Corrective Action, Preventive Action) procedures

Complaints on attitude and behaviours are communicated immediately to the President
of the Company at .

We do not have a formal procedure for handling errors as errors are very rare; but if an error takes place, it
will be picked up by Audit and Finance the next morning in the “clearance batch”.

Our process works as follows: The world exchange rate is synchronized with Customs every day, so the
exchange rate is capture daily from Customs.


Anita Malik will prepare the entries, Raymond Sharma will perfect, audit and submit in split minute sequence.

Aircraft parts are duty free; but if a product is dutiable and an error is made, a B2 is done to correct it immediately. Mahey Lehember in the Finance Department is a Custom Broker also and he audits the clearance Batch of the previous day and if errors are made, will be picked up the next morning.


How do we measure client satisfaction rate?


The Sales Representative responsible for the account will make monthly phone calls, emails or  personal  visits
to get regular feedback.  This is documented  on  the Client  Report. If any complaint, this is passed to  the
President immediately  and  corrective actions are instantaneously applied.


Processes for reviewing the service delivery performance information and identify and track preventive actions and improvements needed to maintain client satisfaction.


We monitor the time it takes to clear Customs. We audit the HS Code in conjunction with the client staff to determine the most accurate description and product end use.

If there are “grey” areas of classification we make application to Customs and get a special ruling.
A sales representative makes monthly call or as the client meets to make sure that consistent service is delivered and the client is happy.




We are experienced in supporting our clients with Customs Audits.


In the 26 years we have been in business, only 2 clients had MINI audit: One, on Anti-Dumping and the other on engineered flooring.

We have a full complement of qualified staff and have both soft and hard copies of all our client files for 7 + 1
years in our own “bonded warehouse” in the same building as the Customs Brokers office, so it is easy for us to retrieve all files and supportive documents for any customs inquiry or audit.


Our clients should not expect any audit, as long as the “Rules of Origin” are observed and an accurate Declaration is made.

CCB is capable to prepare and file reconciliation entries under the Customs ACS Reconciliation Prototype, based
on the data provided by your authorized employees


The ACS – Automatic Commercial System Reconciliation Prototype - is a US Customs entry summary and is not applicable in Canada. In the USA we can perform this; but we simplify the US process which we can discuss if needed.

In Canada, CCB will pay Duty and Tax on our client’s behalf. So that they do not have to waste time with errors
caused by the new CBSA initiative.


How we differentiate from competitors?


CCB is a Canadian Privately owned company, where the owners are expert Freight and Customs qualified; with
both Academic and years of field experience around  the world.  We own all  our facilities and equipment, from warehouses to trucks, forklifts, IT systems and hardware.


With 40 years in the Business, trained in the UK , USA and South America, our President Mr. Ken Singh  established Cargo  Partners  Network  in 1996. The Presidents of this  association of more than  100  countries  meet  at  least  once  per  year  to  set up and streamline freight routes and processes as well as to lobby governments on issues affecting our customers, or regulations that might frustrate their business.

Our owners are also CCS, DG, IATA/FIATA certified, as well as University Graduates.

We are “Certified Agents” under the Transport Canada Security Act.


IT and Reporting


Shipment tracking capabilities


The IT world is changing rapidly and we are in the process of changing our track and trace to the New World Order.

Once  a  shipment  is  booked  and  we get  the B/L or AWB, this is uploaded into our system and it is immediately
notified to the person handling that account.


The staff will track its movement from Origin to clearance and then to Door Delivery. The release and the POD must be entered into the system for the file to be closed.

In addition to this, on AOG + Aircraft Parts an RFID is installed on the package, so we can track in “real time” where that package is on route.

On Pharmaceuticals, in addition to RFID we use Temptel in each box to measure the temperature to check for the escalation outside of the ideal (+2 to + 80C).

Our capability is above industry standard today.


Reporting capabilities


Our software is capable of providing any number of reports as is required by our client. It can capture all shipments from each shipper, Duty and Taxes paid individually and totally, number of parts of a particular HS Code as well as any of the fields in the B3.

We can also provide various management reports as required.


How long is our Turnaround time for requested data?


All requested data that is filed electronically will be available within the hour of the request. Hardcopy file or photocopy, the same day.  I f old files are  requested and they have  to  be recovered from the Customs Bonded Warehouse, then a reasonable delay  of about  2 days should be allowed for this.  




We will provide you with both Financial and trade references as you may require.




We will quote you a flat rate of for all level of shipment value on a 24 / 7 basis and to further include the following:

  1. Centralized brokerage team.

  2. Client is provided with copy of entry documentation with Broker invoice.

  3. Timely and accurate entries.

  4. Dedication to 100% Compliance on all client entries.

  5. Classification of all imported items/parts by two licensed classifiers.

  6. Financial responsibility for any classification errors that cause penalties, additional duty,
    or other excess charges.

  7. Advanced (Binding) rulings.

  8. NAFTA certificate review.

  9. Audit and reconciliation of all value on each PO entry where client provides value of shipment.

  10. 100% audit on all submitted data elements to Customs of all entries prior to release.

  11. Assist client with customs issues, letters, and compliance requests.

  12. Collection of statistical data that can be accessed or provided to client.

  13. Unlimited lines per Entry.

  14. Input of P.O. Number, Dept. #, Invoice Number, and Part Number on each entry.

  15. Conduct business reviews on compliance, timeliness, accuracy, effectiveness and overall performance.



Ken Singh, BA, CITT, MCIT
Phone: 416 -414 2660

© 2021 Canadian Customs Brokers Inc.

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